Division of Campus Life
Sarah Doyle Center for Women and Gender

Resources and Emergency Contacts (old)

Brown University Resources

Administrator on Call - 24/7 Support for Students

The Administrator on Call (AOC) is available to provide support to all Brown undergraduate, graduate, and medical students in need of immediate assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The AOC is an on-campus staff member from the division of Campus Life who can provide students with immediate support and referrals and gather information for timely and coordinated follow-up. For AOC assistance, students should call (401) 863-3322 and request to be connected to the AOC. For more information, visit the Division of Campus Life AOC webpage.

Counseling and Psychological Services

(401) 863-3476

Available 24 hours a day, confidential crisis support

Sexual Misconduct and Title IX

(401) 863-2386

This website provides updated information and support resources for the Brown University community around issues of sexual misconduct and Title IX. 

Sexual Assault Response Line

(401) 863-6000

24-hour confidential crisis support and information is available for any Brown student dealing with sexual assault. The on-call counselor is also available for accompaniment to the hospital.

SHARE Advocates

(401) 863-2794

The SHARE (Sexual Harassment & Assault Resources & Education) Advocates in BWell Health Promotion are confidential resources on campus. Located in Health Services at 13 Brown St., they provide free support to students affected by any form of sexual, gender-based, and relationship violence.

Confidential services are available to undergraduate, graduate and medical students and can include support for a survivor of harm or for someone supporting them, such as friends or partners. Advocates can provide emotional support, information about safety, medical, and reporting options, accompaniment to appointment, help with accommodations (i.e., housing and academic), and assistance navigating resources at Brown and in the community. More information is available here.

The SHARE Advocates, along with CAPS clinicians, serve as on-call clinicians for the 24-hour Sexual Assault Response Line (401-863-6000). The Sexual Assault Response Line connects students with confidential crisis support and information. The on-call counselor is also available to accompany a student for immediate help at the hospital or police station.

In addition to direct individual support SHARE can assist with both proactive and responsive community care:

  • Help engage in safety planning
  • Discuss the elements of healthy relationships, boundaries, and consent
  • Prevention and community action education
  • Consultation to address issues of interpersonal violence

To contact the SHARE Advocates, call 401-863-2794 or you can request an appointment online or request an educational program here

Brown Emergency Medical Services (EMS)

(401) 863-4111 

Emergency response available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

University Health Services 

(401) 863-3953

Confidential medical care, testing, and treatment. Emergency contraceptive pills and testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections are available. Emergency care available 24 hours a day by calling (401) 863-4111. Medical advice available 24 hours a day by calling (401) 863-1330. Located at 13 Brown Street on the corner of Brown and Charlesfield Streets.

BWell Health Promotion

(401) 863-2794

BWell Health Promotion is an integral part of Brown's Health Services. BWell is committed to providing services and improving systems that support wellbeing, develop healthy behaviors and prevent health concerns that may interfere with academic and personal success.  We facilitate interactive workshops, offer individual counseling and referrals, work to improve policies and procedures, and coordinate special events on a wide range of health topics.  Our work addresses such topics as nutrition, alcohol and other drug use, sexual assault response & prevention, masculinity, sexual health, stress management, and general wellness. BWell coordinates several multidisciplinary programs across campus including SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness Group), SAPE (Sexual Assault Peer Education)Masculinity 101, and Ship-n-Shag. A wide range of health and resource information is available on our website. BWell is located on the 3rd floor of Health Services at 13 Brown Street.

Student Support Services

(401) 863-3145 (Dean of the Day, business hours)

The Student Support Services staff is available to assist students with a wide-range of issues and concerns that might arise during their time at Brown. The Student Support Services Deans provide 24-hour crisis services for undergraduate, graduate, and medical students with personal or family emergencies, and are available by appointment to consult with individual students about their personal questions/concerns during the university’s working hours.

Dean of the College Open Hours

Open hours are designed for quick questions, exploratory conversations, and emergencies. Students are seen in order, upon arrival. However, we also encourage you to arrange individual appointments with deans, especially if the issue you wish to discuss falls under a dean's particular area of responsibility, or requires an extended conversation. 

Student and Employee Accessibility Services (SEAS)

(401) 863-9588

SEAS coordinates and facilitates services for students (including graduate students and postdoctoral trainees), faculty, staff and visitors with physical, psychological, and learning disabilities.

Attorney Peter J. Cerilli Open Hours

Attorney Peter J. Cerilli provides legal advice to Brown undergraduate, graduate, and medical students. His services are contracted through the Student Activities Office and funded by the Undergraduate Council of Students, Graduate Student Council, and the Med School.

University Ombuds Office

(401) 863-6145, Ruthy Kohorn Rosenberg, University Ombudsperson

The Ombuds Office provides an independent, confidential, neutral and informal resource for faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows and associates, and graduate students who have concerns arising from or affecting their work and studies at Brown.

Office of the Chaplains and Religious Life

(401) 863-2344

The Chaplains are available by appointment to provide counsel and support, and may be reached by email or phone. They are also always available to care for the University community and may be contacted at any hour through Brown's Office of Public Safety, (401) 863-3322. A bereavement group for students meets weekly in the University Chaplain's office. Call for details.


Local Resources


Sexual Assault Resources

Day One

Business Line: (401) 421-4100
24 Hour Sexual Assault and Victims of Crime Hotline: (800) 494-8100

Sexual assault response team, law enforcement advocates; legal advice, counseling, sexual assault nurse examiner with specialized training to collect forensic medical evidence

Sojourner House

Advocacy and Resource Center: (401) 861- 6191
24 Hour Crisis and Hotlines (401) 765-3232

Confidential emergency shelter

Domestic Violence Program of Crossroads

Business Line: (401) 521-2255
24 Hour Help Line: (401) 861-2760

Sexual assault resources, domestic violence counseling

Sisters Overcoming Abusive Relationships (SOAR)

Business Line: (401) 467-9940

Statewide task force led by and for survivors of domestic violence

Blackstone Valley Advocacy Center

Business line: (401) 723-3057

Provides services for victims of domestic violence

Elizabeth Buffum Chace Center

24 Hour Crisis Hotline: (401) 738-1700
Business Line: (401) 738-9700

Safe, confidential shelter, assistance at court, counseling, programs for seniors, school programs, community awareness, professional training

LGBTQ Resources

The Network/La Red 

(617) 742-4911 (voice), (617) 227-4911 (TTY) (Hotline in English and Spanish)

This program offers free services in English and Spanish for battered lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, and/or transgender folks. These services include a hotline, emergency shelter and advocacy programs. Located in Boston, Massachusetts.

GLBTQ Domestic Violence Project

(617) 354-6056

This grassroots, nonprofit organization provides community education and direct services for clients. GMDVP offers shelter, guidance and resources to allow gay, bisexual and transgender men in crisis to leave violent situations and relationships. Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts. 

PFLAG Greater Providence 

(401) 307-1802

PFLAG Greater Providence provides support to LGBTQ+ people and their families within RI and surrounding MA communities. 


Youth Pride Inc. 

(401) 421-5626

Youth Pride, Inc. (YPI) is the only statewide nonprofit organization with programming dedicated to meeting the social, emotional and educational needs of youth and young adults impacted by sexual orientation and gender identity. The organization works to attack the underlying causes of the difficulties for lgbtq youth while providing the services they need to advocate for their own change.

743 Westminster Street
Providence, RI 02903

Food & Shelter Resources

Rhode Island Community Food Bank

(401) 942-MEAL (6325)

200 Niantic Avenue, Providence, RI 02907

Rhode Island Coalition for the Homeless

(401) 721-5685

1070 Main Street, Suite 304, Pawtucket, RI 02860

Crossroads Rhode Island 

(401) 521-2255

Crossroads Rhode Island, formerly Travelers Aid of Rhode Island, is the largest homeless services organization in the state. We provide assistance 24-hours a day, seven days a week, for a broad spectrum of Rhode Islanders.

160 Broad Street, 
Providence, RI 02903 

Eating Disorder Resources

Hasbro Children's Hospital Eating Disorder Program

(401) 444-0313

Program for children and adolescents.

Local Hospitals and Emergency Rooms

Women & Infants Hospital

(401) 274-1100

101 Dudley Street, Providence

Rhode Island Hospital  

(401) 444-4000

593 Eddy Street, Providence

Miriam Hospital 

(401) 793-2500

164 Summit Avenue, Providence

National Resources

Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)


This is a national hotline for victims of sexual assault. The hotline offers free, confidential counseling and support 24 hours a day, from anywhere in the country. When a survivor calls the hotline, s/he is connected to the nearest local rape crisis center through a unique computer routing system that maintains the confidentiality of callers.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Toll-Free / 24 hours / 7 days a week
1-800-273-TALK (8255) 
TTY: 1-800-799-4TTY (4889)
The Administrator on Call (AOC) is available to provide support to all Brown undergraduate, graduate, and medical students in need of immediate assistance 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The AOC is an on-campus staff member from the division of Campus Life who can provide students with immediate support and referrals and gather information for timely and coordinated follow-up.
(401) 863-2386
This website provides updated information and support resources for the Brown University community around issues of sexual misconduct and Title IX.
(401) 863-6000
24-hour confidential crisis support and information is available for any Brown student dealing with sexual assault. The on-call counselor is also available for accompaniment to the hospital.
(401) 863-2794
The SHARE Advocates, along with CAPS clinicians, serve as on-call clinicians for the 24-hour Sexual Assault Response Line (401-863-6000). The Sexual Assault Response Line connects students with confidential crisis support and information. The on-call counselor is also available to accompany a student for immediate help at the hospital or police station.